Write your screenplay, any time, anywhere.
Just start typing, Slugline figures out the screenplay formatting for you. Write with a powerful Outline, Timeline, and color-coded notes—or with the simplicity of a distraction-free page.
Just start typing, Slugline figures out the screenplay formatting for you. Write with a powerful Outline, Timeline, and color-coded notes—or with the simplicity of a distraction-free page.
Slugline 2 is a free download on Mac, and works without watermarks or limitations until you pass page six, at which point you can upgrade to Unlimited Writing. Kick the tires at no cost — or, if all you write is short films, never pay a dime!
Slugline 2 features Dark Mode, a drag-and-drop Outline Navigator, and a unique Timeline, which gives you a bird’s-eye view of your structure and pacing.
Like virtual index cards on a corkboard, anything you see in Slugline 2’s Outline Navigator can be drag-reordered. The associated bits of screenplay come along for the ride, creating a powerful tool for spitballing ideas in an outline, or experimenting with the structure of a 300-page epic.
Slugline tracks your changes by actively comparing the current screenplay document to another. Asterisks appear next to the modified text — and you can click on those asterisks to inspect the differences. It’s the exact right amount of revisions-tracking power, without sacrificing simplicity.
Slugline uses Fountain, the free and open text-based screenplay format that’s compatible with everything. And now it can open and export perfect Final Draft files, including dual dialogue and even notes.
Slugline uses Fountain, a plain-text screenplay format that’s free, open, and compatible with everything.
Slugline 2 produces beautiful, industry-standard paper and PDF screenplays, with perfect pagination.
Slugline 2 for Mac works with Slugline for iPhone and iPad. Sync your work over iCloud or Dropbox, and write wherever, whenever.
“I adore Slugline.”
“Slugline is outrageously, life-changingly excellent.”
“Slugline 2 revolutionizes the way I outline and rewrite my scripts.”
“Slugline on iOS is my new favorite thing.”
Live Compare, Scene Numbering, Timeline, and the drag-and-drop Outline. Free for the first six pages, then $49.99 USD to unlock Unlimited Writing and FDX export.
Write and edit your screenplay on your iPad or iPhone. Slugline for iOS/iPadOS is fully compatible with Mac, sharing files on iCloud and Dropbox. But it also works on its own, creating perfect Hollywood-standard print and PDF output.