Title: **THE LAST BIRTHDAY CARD** Credit: Written by Author: Stu Maschwitz Draft date: 7/8/1998 Contact: PO Box 10031 San Rafael CA 94912 Registered WGAw No. 701428 # ACT I =Meet the players and set up the world. Two hit men with very different lives. >HERE WE GO: ## Meet Scott =And his friend Baxter. ### Scott's SF Apartment INT. SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT - DAY [[Shot: Exterior establishing, Scott's SF apartment.]]SCOTT is painting.[[Shot: Wide, Scott's apartment. Scott is painting at an easel.]] Badly.[[Shot: OTS to painting.]] Let's not mince words. His apartment is littered with art supplies and canvasses, and a nice southern-exposure's worth of light is pouring in through the windows onto the hardwood floor and let me tell you, it just isn't helping -- the work in progress that the paint-covered Scott is pondering is just not that good. Never one to give up, he's about to dab one more stroke of burnt umber onto the wretched thing when a SOUND in the hall snaps him out of it. INT. HALLWAY, SCOTT'S APARTMENT BUILDING - A MOMENT LATER The MAILMAN is just leaving, and Scott rushes over to his box.[[Shot: Scott at the mailbox, opening, sifting through.]] .BACK IN THE APARTMENT Scott sorts through the mail.[[Shot: OTS, moving with Scott, sorting mail.]] There are bills, of course, and "You've won a million dollars" type things, and some announcements of shows at galleries South of Market. And a BIRTHDAY CARD. It's that last one that gives him pause (not that you're surprised -- it _is_ the damn title of the film).[[Shot: Up at Scott holding card.]] He opens the card. A simple little number inside of which is hand written: Scott -- Jacob Billups Palace Hotel, RM 412 1:00 pm tomorrow [[Shot: OTS Scott reading card.]]Scott exasperatedly throws down the card on the table[[Shot: Wide as Scott throws down card, reaches for phone.]] and picks up the phone, hitting speed dial #1...[[Shot: Scott presses speed dial button.]] CUT TO: ### Baxter's Music Studio INT. BAXTER'S SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT - SAME BAXTER's place is devoted to his music career. Well, it could be a career, any minute now, but for the time being Baxter is that rarest of commodities -- the unemployed musician. Baxter is having a Yani moment at the keyboard, headphones on, and doesn't hear the phone for a bit.[[Shot: Wide: Baxter in his studio, rocking out.]] When he does, he's not happy to be interrupted: BAXTER (picking up phone) What? INTERCUT WITH: INT. SCOTT'S APARTMENT Scott gestures with the card, as if that helps.[[Shot: Wide, weird angle: Scott holding card, phone.]] SCOTT I got another birthday card today. BAXTER That's great![[Shot: Closer on Baxter, on phone.]] SCOTT It is? BAXTER Haven't you been complaining about money lately? SCOTT What else is new. BAXTER So I don't see the problem. SCOTT It's just been a while. I guess I was getting lulled into thinking I had a normal life. BAXTER Unemployed artist in debt. SCOTT I was going to go down to the gallery tomorrow. BAXTER Oh, poor Scott. Instead you've got to make ten grand for an afternoon's work. I wish I had your talent, buddy. SCOTT Thanks for the support. BAXTER Did that girl ever call back? SCOTT What do you think. BAXTER Girls don't like to call. SCOTT Complete the sentence -- girls don't like to call Scott. BAXTER I'm going back under the headphones, killer. SCOTT Your neighbors thank you. Scott hangs up. Looks at the birthday card. Stuffs it in his pocket. On his desk, a pile of art supplies and such.[[Shot: Scott's POV of desk.]] He shoves it all aside and uncovers a briefcase. Pops it open.[[Shot: Low, wide. Scott clears off desk, opens cases.]] It contains a Galco leather shoulder holster and two Beretta 92F pistols, one black, one nickel plated.[[Shot: OTS into cases, revealing guns.]] He picks up the black one and begins to check and clean it.[[Shot: Low, wide. Scott cleaning his gun.]] > FADE OUT.[[Slugline Settings ABC01]]